Another true confession...
In the back of my mind, I've tossed around the idea of trying to find a waitressing or bartending job in a strip joint. Be clear on this... I'm not saying I want to be a STRIPPER. But, I've crunched the numbers and the budget... and I only need to make $1000 a month to make my bills. Yes, folks... I am living the life of a pauper. But who hasn't, for the sake of their passion? Do I seize this opportunity and sacrifice a pinch of dignity for the possibility of supporting a lifelong dream? I could make better cash with more flexible hours... and surely provide you with some extremely entertaining material...
I'd really like some feedback here...
Fascinating Mona!
(And not because I have a penchant for sexy women in less than their Sunday best!)
I mean, the idea is really intriguing! And unique. What job manual, what "match your personality to your career" book or quiz would DARE have an answer, "You should be a bartender at a strip club"?
But you know what? It is a very real employment opportunity, and the best bartenders/baristas are also some of the most REAL people you will meet in your life, and fascinating.
Mona, I think you have what it takes. You'd be good at it. I think you should give the thinking world the finger and apply. You just might get the job...and consequently become the most interesting, quirky author the states has known since say, Erma Bombeck...with a naughty twist!
Thanks for the titilating "last thot" for the night as I turn my drunk ass in at 1:38 am!
I'll say it again...fuckin' truth serum!
Well... I happen to have bartended (and waitressed) in the past, and I loved it. And I do love boys... and watching boys make fools of themselves over BOOBS!
I actually looked up the address to a place...out of town...of course. Not sure what I'll really do...
Guess I'll sleep on it.
Thank you for your wisdom! xoxo
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