That's it, boys! I'm holding a mandatory intervention for the entire male species!
I have received yet another drunken declaration! This time from my friend Todd. Todd and I dated when I was 17. Do the math. TWO DECADES ago! He managed to mumble that he has been scared to ask me for months, but would I consider going on a date with him. "A DATE." He exclaimed. Ugh.
Todd's a great guy. I've enjoyed our friendship over the years and he would do anything for anybody. He's helped me with a few things around the house. For a couple leftover slices of pizza.
But, I'm not one who typically goes backwards. Especially not two decades back. We don't have a lot in common. I'm sure he could fill in as a sex partner... but I wouldn't be willing to risk our friendship for a few frolics in the sheets. Hopefully he'll forget this one...
guys don't forget unless they want to.
Yeah... he called today and asked if he had scared me off....
That reminds me...
Of all the things I blathered in my drunken spree Saturday, I didn't...
oh never mind.
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