Apparently, all of my "lovers" are drunk tonight... again, the universal drunken confessions of affection...
My "creative friend" and I were engaged in another email marathon... and he confessed to being "a bit tipsy" which turned into requited flirtations... the death of his laptop battery finally put a stop to it. He was emailing me while playing piano at his rehearsal... God that's hot.
And my darling Irish friend has called me again. Not once... but twice. He's told me that he has never written a poem in his life... and the letter I should receive shortly will contain two.
I'm smitten with both of them.
And they are both entirely inaccessible to me. So as I have a soap opera type fantasy of two wonderful men, both incurably in love with me... fighting for my affection... I leave you with this "soundtrack" for the episode:
I call alchohol "truth serum" goddamit.
I'm durnk tonite as yu can tll. Just wore my heart on my sleeve with a dear friend that's almost more than a frined. Like some 20 txts or more.
Told her, in effect, I enjoy her company...
She told me I was lit...which was true...but not why I said it.
Enter the txt war...her not believing I really care for her...me trying to show I really do, alcohol or not.
Truth is, I care for her. Not sure what that means, but I do...and her self esteem is so low she can't believe a man would care for her unless he's drunk...
And that breaks my heart.
Fuckin' truth serum.
You should ask one of these guys how they feel about you when they're sober. Bet you'd be surprised to find they really do care! (Not every guy would, but I bet these two are the real deal).
Hell, ask me! I'll tell ya.
If I could comment on all your blogs in just one post (since I've been lax it the same) everything you're investing in life...it's coming back at you with interest isn't it? What'd I tell ya!
You have an INCREDIBLE weekend dreaming about the possibilities.
Life is good...and you don't have to be sloshed to know it...but it helps, lol!
Need I say "cheers?"
PS - About Manus. Oh fuckit. I'll tell ya l8r when i have a clear head.
I think "durnk" Scott is fun! And surprisingly smart when he's shnockered!
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