Let's face it, money is tight for just about all of us these days. Due to a fore-warned 40% spike in our local gas supplier fees... I went scurrying to my local Lowe's for a broken budget fix. I purchased a small, and easily portable, programmable electric ceramic heater space heater, and a larger, oil-filled radiator-type electric heater on casters. Both were purchased for around $35.
Warning: this money saving plan requires warm blankets and clothing!
Close off any vents and rooms that do not need to be heated.
Unplug EVERYTHING that does not have to be plugged in. Bonus: you'll get in a little exercise bending over to plug things back in. Only keep things plugged in while they are in use. Making this a habit will save you money on your electric bill year round, and ensure less damage in the event of a power surge.
Keep throw blankets accessible in your living room.
Set your thermostat at 60-62.
Use the larger radiator style heater to keep your most occupied rooms tolerable during the day. Ideally, place it near enough to the thermostat to prevent your more expensive gas furnace from running. (This style of electric heater uses the least amount of electricity.)
At night, turn off the radiator heater, and UNPLUG it. The furnace will kick-on, as needed to prevent frostbite while you sleep.
If your bedroom is absolutely too cold to tolerate, use your portable ceramic heater to bring it to a tolerable temperature, and then climb under your layers of blankets. (The model I purchased has time, temperature, and fan speed settings.)
In the morning, plug in the radiator style heater and turn it on. Use the small ceramic heater to quickly warm up your bathroom for your morning shower. By the time you get out, you'll have forgotten how frickin' cold it was.
My first cold weather heating bill was $23! My electric bill showed no increase. Granted, I am usually wearing wool knee length socks, sweats, a tank top, long sleeve t-shirt, and hooded sweatshirt... and this is not very "sexy." However, the monetary savings, and potential economic meltdown survival, are well worth the private humiliation.
My purchases:
Warning: this money saving plan requires warm blankets and clothing!
Close off any vents and rooms that do not need to be heated.
Unplug EVERYTHING that does not have to be plugged in. Bonus: you'll get in a little exercise bending over to plug things back in. Only keep things plugged in while they are in use. Making this a habit will save you money on your electric bill year round, and ensure less damage in the event of a power surge.
Keep throw blankets accessible in your living room.
Set your thermostat at 60-62.
Use the larger radiator style heater to keep your most occupied rooms tolerable during the day. Ideally, place it near enough to the thermostat to prevent your more expensive gas furnace from running. (This style of electric heater uses the least amount of electricity.)
At night, turn off the radiator heater, and UNPLUG it. The furnace will kick-on, as needed to prevent frostbite while you sleep.
If your bedroom is absolutely too cold to tolerate, use your portable ceramic heater to bring it to a tolerable temperature, and then climb under your layers of blankets. (The model I purchased has time, temperature, and fan speed settings.)
In the morning, plug in the radiator style heater and turn it on. Use the small ceramic heater to quickly warm up your bathroom for your morning shower. By the time you get out, you'll have forgotten how frickin' cold it was.
My first cold weather heating bill was $23! My electric bill showed no increase. Granted, I am usually wearing wool knee length socks, sweats, a tank top, long sleeve t-shirt, and hooded sweatshirt... and this is not very "sexy." However, the monetary savings, and potential economic meltdown survival, are well worth the private humiliation.
My purchases:
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