Thursday, October 30, 2008

Involuntary NIGHT OWL!

HELP ME! I can't seem to sleep when you normal people do! I got into bed early. Shut down the computer early. And tried. I tried really hard! But now it is a quarter to four in the morning, and I have just finished filling out an application for a job, sending an email to my "Employment & Training Specialist" to schedule a meeting, and watching "Parking Wars."

I don't know how to turn this around without medication of some sort! I feel like some kind of monstrous night dweller in a classic horror novel. I truly cannot think of a single person I know that would be awake right now. If I were a night janitor, rock star, or a junkie, this would be normal... well, expected, anyway.

My car is acting up. Needs a jump every so often. No money for that. Car insurance is due. Can't afford the at-once payment, which would save me a hundred dollars... cats need food. I need money! I need a J-O-B!!! That would surely set me straight! I can't wait to fall right asleep from the exhaustion of hard day's work!!!

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