I'm still a bit funky*. Funky is my favorite word to describe any state of mind or being that just isn't excited, happy, or productive. I suppose it is a form of depression denial. Laziness? Boredom?
I need some stimulation! I need some things to keep me busy! Like a job! I spent about two hours filling out an application for a part-time position at the local college, which sadly enough, would wind up bringing in about the same income as I receive now. The tediousness of filling out the applications, customizing the resumes and cover letters, is exhausting! I'm over it! The least these people could do is call you and say, "Ha ha! Good luck with your bills this month! Thanks for the scrap paper!"
Tomorrow morning I place my last call into the unemployment system. And then, hopefully, they will allow me to file for my extension. If I don't get the extension, or a job, I'm basically faced with packing it in and joining the many unemployed and uprooted broke asses. I'm praying that doesn't happen. I worked incredibly hard to get here. To get my finances in order, buy a house, and put some love and attention into it. I've only been here a little over a year. I'd hate to see it end this soon... over the simple failure of the local economy! If I can get myself out of debt... surely this state can find some solutions!
I'm waiting for "R" to call me back. Hoping he wants to hang out for a bit tonight. I'm bored! And I hate to say that. But, I'm not ready to read another book... and my level of inspiration to write is at a low. I've already job searched today... I want something new and different to do! I'm not a creature of habit. With the exception of thoroughly enjoying quiet time in bed.
Things are lookin up for the week. My calendar was empty, aside from my calls to unemployment tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. But, Brian wants to go to dinner (an old friend from high school) and Tonya will be in town. She's thinking lunch. So there is hope for some much-needed social activity.
And if "R" comes over... maybe I'll have some sex! What??!!!?!?! Hey, sounds fun to me! Maybe if I called him and said that... he'd be more in a hurry to see me.
monday morning eye candy: Natalia Arbelaez
7 years ago
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