It's "hump day" and since I never seem to be humping on Wednesday, I decided to find the TRUE meaning of "hump day." This is what Wikipedia had to say:
"An American English idiom for Wednesday is "hump day", a reference to making it through to the middle of the work week as getting "over the hump."
Well, isn't that the shits?! I'm not humping or working!!!!
So let's go to the polls. According to my readers (you frisky little devils), 83% of you said 30-somethings should have sex whenever I can! 16% of you said that 30-somethings should have a booty call while pursuing other potential suitors!!! I love my free-spirited fans! That makes sex a unanimous must! I'll be keeping your opinions in mind Saturday night...
I have a date at 6 p.m. with Patrick on Saturday. We spoke tonight, and I swear he has got to be one of the most hilarious people I have ever met. Humor is HOT to me... IF I am attracted to him, would it be to aggressive/slutty to have some much needed sex on the first date? We are both grown adults. We've exchanged emails for 6 months, and shared at least a half-dozen hour long conversations... would that make me ineligible for anything other than a booty call? Or, a slut, if you will? I have plenty of condoms, and at this rate, they will expire before they ever see a penis... hell, I might expire before I ever see a penis again!
As for "What's Next in Mona's Future?" it was a 50-50 tie between a job with the urologist's office (which I confess to voting for) and ice cream and fat ass! I haven't gotten a call from the urologist's office, and I haven't eaten any ice cream in at least a week... so let's call that one a wash.
I'll see what I can cook up for you mischievous geniuses in the morning...
"An American English idiom for Wednesday is "hump day", a reference to making it through to the middle of the work week as getting "over the hump."
Well, isn't that the shits?! I'm not humping or working!!!!
So let's go to the polls. According to my readers (you frisky little devils), 83% of you said 30-somethings should have sex whenever I can! 16% of you said that 30-somethings should have a booty call while pursuing other potential suitors!!! I love my free-spirited fans! That makes sex a unanimous must! I'll be keeping your opinions in mind Saturday night...
I have a date at 6 p.m. with Patrick on Saturday. We spoke tonight, and I swear he has got to be one of the most hilarious people I have ever met. Humor is HOT to me... IF I am attracted to him, would it be to aggressive/slutty to have some much needed sex on the first date? We are both grown adults. We've exchanged emails for 6 months, and shared at least a half-dozen hour long conversations... would that make me ineligible for anything other than a booty call? Or, a slut, if you will? I have plenty of condoms, and at this rate, they will expire before they ever see a penis... hell, I might expire before I ever see a penis again!
As for "What's Next in Mona's Future?" it was a 50-50 tie between a job with the urologist's office (which I confess to voting for) and ice cream and fat ass! I haven't gotten a call from the urologist's office, and I haven't eaten any ice cream in at least a week... so let's call that one a wash.
I'll see what I can cook up for you mischievous geniuses in the morning...
I *think* spending quality time getting to know each other for 6 months qualifies for the equivalent of *many* dates.
Enough said.
I don't know, Scott. It's date day... and I'm not feeling frisky!!! ;)
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