Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My First Day

So today was my first day as a 37 year-old unmarried, unemployed woman. I must say it was a success! That is the joy to be found in a minimalist existence... you can't really fuck it up! I feel good. I don't think I look any different. I got carded for cigarettes today too! The clerk actually noticed that my birthday was yesterday. I had thanked her for carding me, and she replied, "Well we have to card anyone who looks under 30, and I didn't think you were 30 at all." Clerks should get bonuses for that! If I had some spare change, I surely would have tipped her!

I received a text wishing me a "Happy Birthday" from Mack. I sent him a message telling him that when he gets back to town he should buy a couple gallons of frosting, glue a candle to his head and come over. "I want CAKE!" I said.

The only cake I got for my birthday was the Boston Creme cake I finally broke down and bought for myself tonight. I was craving cake. I never crave cake. Maybe we are genetically programmed to want cake for our birthdays. During my mission, I realized that I enjoy great freedom in my life. I am not one of those women that obsesses over food and calorie counts. I eat pretty well. I naturally enjoy vegetables and all the other "good-for-you" stuff. And, if I feel like eating a heaping bowl of ice cream... I do it! We only have one go-round in life. I'd rather risk an extra eighth of an inch on my thighs, then not enjoy something fattening, calorie-packed, and DELICIOUS! I pity women who are so preoccupied with perfection or unrealistic body image goals, that everything they put in their mouths sparks pangs of guilt and regret. Either I have been seriously blessed genetically... or it really isn't THAT hard. I work out a few times a week. Nothing crazy. Usually 30 minutes. Toning with light hand and ankle weights. I don't have my treadmill here yet, so I'm not even doing cardio. And, I am not having sex to burn off calories in the most fabulous way. Luck? I'm not sure. But things are working pretty well on this plan. If I don't find a job soon... maybe I'll make a fitness video! Right.

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