Okay. He wishes... and I certainly wish it too! It's really Gilles Marini, the hot guy in the shower in the "Sex in the City" movie. Mack might not look like him, but he could... with a vivid imagination... and maybe a bottle of Vodka. Mmmmm...
Oh yeah.
Anyway, I'm up too late. As usual. I have some things to do in the morning and must have everything in order at the house before I leave for class at 3 p.m. I should be getting my beauty/sexcapade sleep! Not that we are for sure having sex, but, it's a good thing to keep your options open, right? My intention was: to finish my housework tonight, get a good night's sleep, pick out my "date outfit," print my assignment for class, go to class... and then jet back home in time to sex up my look before Mack arrives. Our instructor has let us out early each time. So help me if she doesn't this time... I won't make it here before he does! Then I won't have time to change! Fix my hair! This could get tricky.
I was up... am up... because a very cute, witty fellow messaged me on the site. He's from another state. About 3 1/2 hours away. I'll throw in a blah -blah -blah here and get right to my concern. He says he hasn't been on a date in a year. A year! A handsome, personable man, not on a date in a year. He says he's picky. I get that. He's "not into the wham-bam-thank-you-mam" scene. Oh my. I used to get that too... but after I quit getting "it" for so long because I was getting that, I loosened up my attitude towards gratuitous sex. I can appreciate what he says... but I'm not sure I can believe that a 39 year-old man hasn't dated in a year. Unless he isn't including adult relations in the "date" category. Sorry! I just find that very very hard to believe! Men, at least the men I know, wouldn't wait one month! I've gone a long time without sex. Maybe even a year... and the hell if I'm doing that again! Especially at this age. When you are in your thirties, no one really gives a shit about following any rules or who is going to spread rumors about your indiscretions... if anything, they become concerned if you AREN'T having sex.
I'm a healthy woman. According to theory, I'm also in my "prime." And I have adopted the life is too short philosophy! Put that all together and you get a woman who is going to get laid, damn't! I'm done waiting for Mr. Right. Done worrying about a notch on the bedpost. Done caring what someone might think. Sex isn't taboo! And it isn't everyone's business! (With the exception of hookers, of course.)
It's on! 8 p.m. Wednesday night. Let the games begin!
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