Friday, January 29, 2010

UpDATE: Wizzer

Well, my fellow female friends, I hate to tell you this, but I went ahead and went out with wishy-washy Wizzer last night. I couldn't get my situation to post Wednesday night because of some terrible wireless internet issue... so your appreciated advice did not arrive in time to stop me. And as much as I agree with what you have said... I have to say that I don't regret going out with him, and here are a few reasons why:

  • My social encounters over the last couple weeks involved going to the hospital for mother's surgery, putting together a cabinet with my brother, and helping prepare and serve food for grieving friends and family of a dead person I didn't even know.
  • I haven't travelled more than ten miles away from home since the end of last year.
  • I spent over $400 at Victoria's Secret and have yet to find out if those frilly little things really work
  • "Use it or lose it." That could get scary!
  • Food!
  • As my co-worker said, "It's just food and conversation, it's not like you're getting engaged."

Admittedly, I was worried I'd rush home from work, get ready, and drive all of the way there, only to find that he had stood me up. Surprise! He actually showed up. He was cuter than I expected him to be, which of course was a bonus. He has really nice skin and dark hair (I am the biggest fan of dark hair). He was a little stockier than I expected but not fat by any means. My only concern about him physically is that his fingernails could have been a little shorter and cleaner. This might have been a result of his work... but for the life of me... I can't remember what it is that he does and was a little embarrassed to ask. I do know he works with a family member and used to run his own company.

Anyway, the date went pretty good! The conversation never lagged or felt uncomfortable. He was handling his phone a little too much for my liking, but I've come to realize that that is unfortunately the norm. I'll keep fighting the good fight, though. I refuse to believe that humans cannot function without being immediately available to the entire world 24 hours a day.

Both of us had to work this morning, and I don't think first dates should ever last more than a few hours, so at 9:00 p.m. we headed for the door. "So when are we going out again?!" he asked. Okay... so he wants a second date. We talked briefly about the weekend. I have no idea what we will do yet, but I'm considering it. Following the discussion, he swooped in for a kiss.


He's a good kisser and he has nice lips. Wait. Could a guy who didn't have nice lips be a good kisser?

Now for those of you who were against my going out with Wizman... I want you to understand why I did. Sure he didn't behave as I would have liked... but... now I'm aware of a potential issue. I don't see harm in spending some time with him that I otherwise would have spent sitting in my house bitching at myself for not cancelling cable because there is never anything truly worth watching on t.v. I don't have to sleep with the guy. I don't have to marry him. And, I don't have to put up with any crap... I can walk away at any time. Does he stand a chance at becoming a permanent suitor in my life? Well, his chances are on the slim side. But dating is hard! He's admitted to being bashful and I know I have certainly looked back on a first date in disbelief that I acted so stupidly as a result of nervousness... so I'm giving him a little leeway. He'll have to be much better behaved if he wants anything serious from me, that's for sure.

1 comment:

Dana Gray said...

Best of luck to you...I look forward to hearing how it all turns out.