Monday, January 18, 2010

She's Out!

Mom made it out of surgery just now. Her wound from December's surgery had become infected and they had to go back in to clean it and reinsert a drain. It's a setback... but thankfully, a minor one. She will have to have a visiting nurse again and the drain will be in for 1-2 weeks. Aside from a suspicious rash she noticed this morning, she appears to be doing well.

Because of her unexpected surgery, results from the oncology testing will have to wait until she can reschedule. So here we are, eight weeks into her cancer journey, and somehow, still in the same spot.

When people talk about fighting cancer, they always mention strength and hope; when sometimes the most important thing is patience.


Anonymous said...

:) Have a good day!

Mona Lake said...

I did, thank you! Very sweet of you.