Thursday, June 26, 2008

Boyfriend Boot Camp!!!

I have placed myself in an intensive training program to increase my odds of finding "him." Of course, the instructor is me... so the success rate is questionable at best!!!! I've done some things that feel strange to me, but are probably normal to others. When you don't have an intimate relationship, and haven't had one for a long time, I think you become a little detached from your physical being. If you roped me to a chair and dripped water continuously on my forehead for several hours, I'd tell you that I have a nice body... and in fact, have for most of my life. But, if you asked me how I felt about my body in passing... I wouldn't really be able to answer. I hope someone out there understands what I am saying. It's a peculiar thing! So I have begun a quest to become reacquainted with my body. I want to reclaim my sexiness without having to have sex. I figure if I can bring an air of hotness to the table, it might just make it to the bed one day!

How have I done this? In odd ways of course! I have a digital camera with a self-timer, and I decided to take pictures of myself in differing stages of undress. I took pictures from all angles. Of everything. In the beginning it was slightly uncomfortable, but after reviewing a few photos... it was strangely fun! I realize that many people acquire nude photos of themselves much earlier in life... typically in their 20's after drinking an insane amount of alcohol... this is just another thing I hadn't done YET. I highly recommend this exercise to any woman! There is a bit of power to be had from knowing what a man sees when you are in unmentionable sexual positions. I definitely won't be so consumed with insecurities in my sexual future.

The next day, I made sure to put a fresh coat of paint on my toenails. I don't quite know what it is about painting your toenails. I've never heard a man say my pink polish really turned him on... but it just makes me feel sexy.

And then... I slept naked. I'm not opposed to sleeping naked, by any means, but I'm still getting used to my house and which windows are providing an open view to my neighbors, so I have cut nudity out of my routine. I'm actually quite a nudist in reality. Not for any illicit reasons... just that I have a cat and can't stand finding cat hair on my clothes when I am dressed to impress. For this reason, I usually don't get dressed until I am about to walk out of the door. Naked is something I am used to. But, naked with a man... completely naked... has become foreign to me. So I decided to sleep naked. I'd like to believe that I will be falling asleep naked, often, and not alone...

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