Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Murphy's Laws of Dating

Today was the big lunch date. A first date. During my lunch break. During the work day. I thought the hardest part would be figure out what business casual outfit would pass for flirtatious without making me look like an office whore. Wrong.

  • I woke up early, but somehow found myself short on time and feeling rushed.
  • My cat had puked all over the hallway, on the freshly shampooed carpets no less.
  • Despite a valiant effort to wear my hair down, it looked like shit so I put it in a ponytail. A complete waste of 30 minutes.
  • I went into a panic because I couldn't find my keys and we had a meeting first thing. They were still in the door.
  • The meeting I was in such a rush for, wound up starting an hour late.
  • While I was waiting for the meeting I noticed I had cat puke on the bottom of my shoe.
  • The late meeting ran late and I didn't have time to try and salvage my hair
  • Some weird dude in a red car might have been trying to kidnap me on the walk to the restaurant.
  • I was 8 minutes early... my date was 30 minutes late...

And the grand finale:

  • I decided to get a car wash on my way home. Put the money in the machine, start pulling forward... and ooops... looks like my window is off track and won't go back up.

As far at the actual date goes, he was attractive, personable and seemingly normal. He was coming in from out of town, hadn't been here before, and was messaging me the entire time he was lost, so I'll give him a pass for the tardiness this time. As we were leaving, he said the same thing as Sunday guy, "I hope we can do it again sometime," and he followed with a "Thanks for the great company" text. He may very well have made it to the next round...

Woah people! That's two in a row! Bringing the second date worthy stat to 33%...


Anonymous said...

Two normal dates in a row? Get ready to fall down the rabbit hole. I'll start popping the popcorn now because odds are the next one will be a doozie (spelling?)and I want a good seat.

Mona Lake said...

What a great comment! Lovin' the visual. And you can spell doozy/doozie however you want!

Virgtastic said...

Rushed days ALWAYS seem to go awry.