Either my life really has been exciting, or (more likely) I'm just easily fascinated and hyper-sensitive to virtually anything! I have to choose between a half-dozen epic blogs, or a simple hodge-podge montage of the latest goings-on. Out of respect for whomever might actually read my blog, I'll choose the latter.
So here it goes:
Thursday, I had my first review at work. Originally scheduled for the 25th, the advancement of my review did raise my level of concern from none, to a little. One of my co-workers was supposed to have her review in my new slot, but she had to prepare for her visit with the coroner. Yeah, I work for a place that sends people to a coroner, that actually return alive. I thought the CEO and I would simply go into her office and shut the door, so I headed in there, only to have her say, "Let's go down to Erv's office."
Thinking the need for a "secret location" might imply impending doom, my concern level temporarily elevated to "a little more." But for some reason, once we sat down, I came to my senses and realized that the only two things that could require concern would be lack of incoming funding to keep me on staff, or maybe the woman's abrasive demeanor that I assist at times. Knowing that signs for incoming funding were looking positive, and that said woman's abrasiveness is apparent to everyone, maybe even especially the CEO... I sat back, relaxed, and took my last swig of coffee before giving my full attention to my rarely critical critic. Documentation on my review included the phrases: "extremely talented, passion for the welfare of others, incredible creative writing skills, fast-learner, consistently enthusiastic, positive attitude, exceeds expectations, completes tasks on time, excellent communicator." For a moment, I thought she might write "second only to Jesus." I appreciated her comments, and, for the most part, could agree... but I still have not evolved into a person who takes compliments well. Such an odd phenomenon to me! Although they weren't my words, I felt like a braggart. It was time for my standby tactics... deflection!
"I certainly appreciate that, thank you. But I must say, that without you giving me these great opportunities, I could not have accomplished all that I have." This was true. And, in my mind, necessary to say. Gratitude may have gone out of style in our "modern" society, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna give it up!
After our mutual ego-fluffing session, the discussion turned to retention. Ahhhh. The CEO and woman in charge of the financials of the organization have always been forthcoming about the funding challenges of the non-profit sector and have made it clear to me that my job is only guaranteed through the end of the fiscal year: September 30th.
Discussion of the status of existing funding sources, and pending funding sources, was then followed by the pivotal statement,
"What you are doing for us is critical to our mission."
Critical. Excellent! However, the emphasis on "you" eluded to the fact that someone on staff was doing things that were not critical. I suspect this person/position might be the one that appears to be training for the "Facebook Marathon," or writing a mystery novel titled, "What Time is She Supposed to Show Up For Work?" All the while I've worked there, I have prudently chosen to mind my own business regarding these behaviors. They are a tight knit group of 5 great woman, who were certainly content with the way things were before I arrived. Despite her unprofessional behavior, I truly like this woman; but I have secretly pondered how jaded I would feel if my job were cut instead of hers if funding weren't available for both, because honestly, she takes her job for granted. Easier for her to do, because she is married, and, therefore, is not the sole source of income for her household. Me, I'm just one of those people who likes to do my very best, no matter what the task. I simply find it more enjoyable. Add to that the tramautization of 10 months of unemployment-fueled financial doom... and you get a guarantee that I am going to bust my ass at work!
But how awkward will it be, if she loses her job after 6 years, and I get to keep mine after 6 months?
Things got even more interesting when the CEO announced her intentions to groom her current manager of finances to eventually take her position. Interesting because... she is the sister-in-law of the woman who might get the axe while I stay on.
And that's that on the work front. Moving on, albeit randomly...
Today was my cousin's birthday. Initially we weren't supposed to celebrate until Sunday, but my aunt sent me a text message asking to go to lunch for his birthday. Lunch?! Hooray! I didn't eat breakfast! I'm starving! We had a gloriously gluttonous lunch, complete with "Brownie Blasts." My once empty stomach was now uncomfortable bursting. I love self-torture.
After we ate, we happened upon a hot pink "Garage Sale" sign, and soon found ourselves on some sort of impromptu treasure hunt! It was getting to be late in the afternoon, which, according to my aunt, meant the "good stuff" was probably already gone; and for the most part she was right. But... at about the third stop, in the "rich people's neighborhood" I happened upon some items I actually wanted! I found an old weathered barrel, similar to, but smaller than the one I sweet-talked my mother out of and turned into an interesting planter; and two antique wooden folding chairs whose tone and tatteredness lent just the right amount of character that thrills coveters of all things old. Since the chairs had the right vibe about them, and, I'm inviting people over after my art show in less than three weeks, I couldn't have been happier! I scored all three items for a mere $7! Nice!
After returning home with my treasures, I briefly entertained the thought of travelling to see a "Loverboy" concert. Yep, I said "Loverboy." I had no idea they were playing (or even still alive) until I heard a radio interview on my way to work in the morning. I'm admittedly a fan of some of their take-you-right-back to the 80's songs, but my main desire was to satisfy the curiosity as to whether the lead singer was going to wear those infamous red leather pants onstage. However, my curiosity wasn't strong enough to motivate me to endure the tedious task of finding someone else who would actually want to go, nor the humiliation of ridicule from those who did not want to.
What did I do instead? Hold on to your shorts... I scraped paint from what must have been some blind man's previous attempt at painting the trim off of my garage windows. Oh, and I had a near two hour "teleconference" with an old boss and good friend of mine, covering such crucial topics as: how her relationship with the older man was going, her rollerblade marathon, my romantic life (or lack thereof), some bizarre story of her friend selling her underwear to a stranger for $200 in Vegas ten years ago, and whether or not our cats were clinically "fat."
Currently, I'm curled up on the couch watching "Whale Wars." A rather exciting episode, as they have rammed the factory ship and damaged their hull. Oh yeah! My weekend is off to a wild, wild start!
Wrapped up in my consuming work deadlines, and dizzied with elevated barometric pressure for a week straight, I failed to think of weekend plans! I'm sitting with Chester at 1 p.m. tomorrow... having a late afternoon barbecue for my cousin's birthday on Sunday... but what about Saturday night? I think I ought to look into that!
Laurens De Groot on "Whale Wars" just said he's going to spend some quality time with his girlfriend when they arrive to port. Doesn't he know that I am his girlfriend? Men. Such confused creatures they are. (wink)
So... I guess that's the it of it for now... but I sense serious Saturday randomness on the horizon. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Prying sounds so harsh. Remember that the Sun was victorious over the Wind.
Enlighten me. Blow me away with your wisdom.
When were the sun and wind battling? Are you the sun? Am I the wind? And, if so, what are we fighting about? Why didn't I get to choose which element I represent like a game piece in Monopoly?
Please allow me to tell you a bedtime story.
"The North Wind and The Sun"
The North Wind boasted of great strength. The Sun argued that there was great power in gentleness.
"We shall have a contest," said the Sun.
Far below, a man traveled a winding road. He was wearing a warm winter coat.
"As a test of strength," said the Sun, "Let us see which of us can take the coat off of that man."
"It will be quite simple for me to force him to remove his coat," bragged the Wind.
The Wind blew so hard, the birds clung to the trees. The world was filled with dust and leaves. But the harder the wind blew down the road, the tighter the shivering man clung to his coat.
Then, the Sun came out from behind a cloud. Sun warmed the air and the frosty ground. The man on the road unbuttoned his coat.
The sun grew slowly brighter and brighter.
Soon the man felt so hot, he took off his coat and sat down in a shady spot.
"How did you do that?" said the Wind.
"It was easy," said the Sun, "I lit the day. Through gentleness I got my way."
What a beautiful little tale I do not believe myself to be familiar of! I had to know because I was sure that I wanted to be the Sun. I have always loved the sun. Thank you for sharing! Since I am now obligated to go to sleep, would you mind baking a blueberry pie?
I'm very jealous of creative people like you. If I were to happen upon the treasures you did at the Yard Sale, I would have just sat on the chairs. No concept of decorating in this brain of mine.
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