Reluctantly, I went on a date Monday night. That's right... a date. I met the guy five weeks ago at my class reunion social. He wasn't a former class mate, he just happened to be there that night. He had asked me out several times over the course of those five weeks, but our work schedules were conflicting, and honestly, I just didn't feel up to dating.
This guy is handsome. He owns his own business. He appears to have manners, and I hadn't sensed any mental instability... so what was the problem? Well, the good and bad thing about being single in your late thirties is that you have had enough time and experience to figure out what you want, and what you don't want. And, you probably have a lot of responsibilities that force you to use your time more wisely. I was busy with two projects as well as my own job. Getting a good night's sleep was much more attractive to me than going out to dinner!
Having seen C.F. recently, I was very aware of what I wanted; just as much as I was aware of what I couldn't have. I guess I'm just not a big dater, and definitely not a "serial" dater. Growing tired of the rejection, the texts and phone calls from this gentleman had slowed significantly, so I certainly hadn't expected him to ask me out that day, nor truly ever again.
I was tired from a stressful work day, planning to work out, but really wanting a nap! But, for some reason, I started having little silent conversations with myself that included statements such as: "don't let your life pass you by," "you really should get out a little more," "he seems harmless," "sushi!" and "live a little today, nap a lot tomorrow." You can talk to yourself, but if you start arguing with yourself, I think that qualifies you for some sort of mental illness treatment; so I thought it best to just go on a date with the guy.
We actually had a really good time! We went to a great sushi place out of town; enjoying great food and good conversation. He was a "perfect gentleman." Considering he lives about two hours away from me, and will be working out of state for probably a month... a second date isn't likely anytime soon. And considering I was reluctant to go out on even one date, that works perfectly for me! No need to worry about the relationship stuff!
Lesson learned, I guess. As long as everyone is on the same page, and nobody's getting drugged or murdered, going on a date with someone without any further intentions or mapped out futures, is okay (and might actually be fun).
monday morning eye candy: Natalia Arbelaez
7 years ago
1 comment:
The red flags are much easier to spot when dating in your 30s. I also noticed that it was harder to overlook "flaws". A frequently used word for me was "NEXT!"
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