Mr. Nice Guy is a saint! Not only did he tolerate my insecure shutdown on Friday night... he didn't even bat an eye when I explained it to him. Sometimes I wonder if he even notices my mini-freakouts! Luckily, I'm smart enough to see the pattern with them... and they all involve "women" that want to sleep with him, or claim him as their man. One was the ex, and the other was a wanna be. Being the forgiving, loving, sensitive, mature woman that I am... I didn't see through their soap-opera-worthy man-stealing tactics coming! These women are 39 and 40 years old!!!! Are you serious? I didn't think females acted that way past the age of 18... which was over two decades ago for these claw-wielding wenches! The wanna be even babbled a bunch of garbage and followed it with... "Don't tell (Mr. Nice Guy) he'd get mad at me." Yeah right. I've been dating him for over two months... he treats me amazingly well, and I just ran into you for the first time in 20 years. Are you fucking kidding me? She even asked me to add her as a MySpace friend... Sorry, but I require my MySpace friends to truly be friends. Until MySpace offers a "Catty Cunt" category, added she certainly shall not be!!!
M.N.G. took me to breakfast today, followed by shopping for a replacement for my crapped out coffee maker. At first I was very devastated because I had a coffee maker with a thermal carafe. The ability to keep coffee hot at least an hour after the lazy ass who presses her snooze alarm an unpredictable amount of times actually gets up is critical to the maintenance of sanity! Unfortunately, most coffee drinkers are either very routine and responsible, or can't handle the caffeine withdrawals, so they DO get up when their coffee is done brewing. There are endless coffee makers with glass carafes... but very few thermal ones to choose from. The first store we went to only had one thermal option and it even looked like a crappy model! Low and behold, at good ol' Walmart, I found my newest love!!!! A BREW STATION!!!!!!!!!!! Not only is the machine cool, it even sounds cool! I enjoyed my first cup from the cool coffee dispensing gizmo, and look forward to seeing it magically make my coffee at 9 a.m. this morning.
So I still have a fabulous boyfriend. I have an even better coffee making machine. I weeded my front garden... finally! And... I got to spend a few hours with the neighbors for a cookout. My brother even helped me dig out a bush and tree that didn't survive last summer's brutal dryness. It was just truly a feel-good kind of day.
I might be a bloomin' idiot sometimes, but at least it isn't always! Believe it or not... I am making progress in my crazy mad little life and the happy days are finally outnumbering the difficult ones.
Glad you asked about cameras, those I understand.
It's relationships that can be confusing. Glad you didn't ask for advice there. I will never figure those out... Anyway, back to cameras.
There are some very nice ones in your price range,
But I need to know some things.
Does it need to be ultra compact [Fit in a pocket] Or is just a bit larger ok? A little larger gives you a better zoom lens. Still small, but will not quite fit in pocket. Do you plan to spend time to learn a lot the manual controls or would you like to operate in a full automatic mode but still get good results?
What kind of pictures do you like to take?
People, landscapes, close up, etc. Any thing you can tell me will help to narrow the list. Happy to help.
Ok, here you go. Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28K is what I would recomend.
I have gotten several for friends,and for the money I think it is the best choice. The zoom lens is designed by Lica for Panasonic. Lica has always made the best optics, so the lens is very sharp The zoom range is 27 to 486 mm. Nicely wide to a super telephoto. It can be as complex as many pro cameras or set the dial on top to the heart icon [full auto] and it will do everything for you. No muss, no fuss. Amazon has great prices on them now, $309. if you get it with the Kingston 4 GB memory card. The card that comes in the camera is almost too small to be useful. The battery that comes with the camera is rechargable, and lasts quite a while. If you feel the need you can always pick up an extra later.
Give it a try first. So, there you go. Let me know how things work out, or if you have questions. Oh, and drink plenty of water...
Two quickies.
First CONGRATULATIONS on finding a good man who knows a good woman when he finds one! Incredibly happy for you as I would be for my own sister. (She may very well have found herself one too!)
Second, I am not as camera savvy as Mr. Hartjes, but I am very pleased with the Panasonic DMC series. I still shooting a three-year-old DMC-TZ1 with a 10x optical and only 6Mp. You've seen what it can do! If I buy another, you can bet I'll be looking hard at another Panasonic!
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