OK, kiddies. The judge ruled in favor to uphold the ban on candidate buttons and T shirts at the polls. Apparently, if I were to wear an Obama button pinned to my shirt... you might become paralyzed with fear of voting for McCain, piss your pants, and throw the whole damned election!
I realize this law has been on the books since the 50's... and understand that there is to be no campaigning within 100 feet of a polling location. However, have our minds become so weak, that the sight of a button or T-shirt affects our vote? Do we need taxpayer money spent on debating this issue? Do we need the government to protect us from the mystical, hypnotic powers of some dude's "Vote for McCain" T-shirt when we place our votes?
It's a good thing I'm a little short on money. The childish, sarcastic bitch inside of me would love to show up to vote, covered in any bit of political paraphernalia I can get my hands on. Layers upon layers of it! My thousands of bullying buttons cling-clanging like a wind chime. T-shirts piled on to the point of my arms becoming immobilized. Hats stacked on my head higher than in a Tennessee truck stop gift shop. Maybe even covered in buttons and such bearing BOTH candidates names! Then what? Wouldn't that be "fair?" And how do they plan to "cover" these things? Is the state providing masking tape and garbage bags? Or will you be asked to go home and "cover yourself?"
If we are truly so feeble minded, I think it would be wonderful to reverse the decision! Watching everyone panic, sweat profusely, and change their mind each time someone passed by with a t-shirt or button on supporting the other candidate would make for some phenomenal people watching! I could run a popcorn stand for the viewers... and also to provide sustenance to those who had been attempting to make their deciding vote for hours. Most of us don't have a job anyway... so what's the rush? Our state would be the last to deliver official results. Maybe the election would never be decided due to the chaos created by these scary button-wearing people!
Vote for Mr. Sexy. He's looking to make everyone that's overweight lose a few and for everyone that's hot start making love with one another on the spot!
Mr. Sexy?! Is he a democrat or republican? Or, is he just HOT?
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