Thursday, October 30, 2008

Give Ya One Guess!

One guess. Who is STILL up?!

As Sarah Palin would say, "You betchya!"

Yep. You got it! Mona is still up. I finally gave up on sleep at 6:13 a.m. and got out of bed. I put on shoes and a jacket, and fed the birds in the dark. There is a thin blanket of frost on the feeders and the grass, so yes, it's pretty frickin' cold this morning before sunrise. After I came in, I did the dishes, made some coffee, practiced guitar... and successfully played my C chord!!! Put away some things my mother had brought over, and here I am. Driving you crazy with my craziness!

My big plan (yes I do have those sometimes) is to hopefully stay awake the majority of the day. Pull the proverbial "all-nighter." I'm hoping that I'll then fall asleep sometime around 11 p.m. tonight, and not wake until 7 a.m. Thus, beginning my journey back to Normalville...

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