I'm ravenous! Consumed with an undeniable hunger!!!!
"R"stopped by earlier after he got out of work and brought me some grapes. I had craved them the other night and he said he would bring them. He did. And, he brought with him some serious sexual tension. He took a tour of my house, and in between exploring the work I had done to it were awkward pauses. The kinds of pauses that lead to lustful make out scenes in the movies.
But he, and I refrained.
He stopped by for a few minutes later on. We chit-chatted politely. I got him a glass of water. He sat on the couch. I sat on the couch. He hugged me to thank me for having him over... and then laid one on me!
Wow. Hot. He's an excellent kisser. Things were warming up, but nothing "inappropriate" for a first kiss meeting of the lips transpired. I'll admit that after my spoiled rendezvous with C.F.... I have some serious sexual tension and frustration built up. He's definitely present in my mind, and I'm not ready to commit to anyone... but sex; sex would be very nice.
The grapes, perhaps the "forbidden fruit" have yet to be consumed, and "R" says he's coming over for a few tomorrow. Looks like I have some decisions to make. Do "it" or don't. That's tonight's question.
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