Well, it was Friday. Now, it's technically Saturday already. My friend and I were going to make a trip north and explore some art museums. Yes!!! Culture! Unfortunately, both of us were not feeling well. I awoke to coughing and congested sinus discomfort. Hating that I was going to have to call and cancel, I picked up my cell phone, and there was already a message. Adam is sick too! He sounds far worse than I, and in fact, after resting most of the day, the only thing I have to complain about is discomfort in my stomach. Not sure of the cause. We were both out of culture commission. A mutual cancel goes over much better than the one-sided cancel! I was actually happy about it.
C.F. wrote me back. I have yet to respond. I'm not feeling up to it. He's a lovely, lovely man, and handling this situation rather gracefully. The only thing I'm "mad" about is the fact that we can't be together. Life has a funny way of interfering...
I have dinner plans Saturday (today) at 6:30. I've given no thought as to where we should go. If I had my way, we'd go to Paris, London, Venice... anywhere but here! What a dream! But, alas, I'm temporarily stuck here, in this dreary town. I'll be out with Brian. My "boyfriend" from junior high. We used to talk on the phone while watching wrestling on T.V. Saturday afternoons. Romantic, isn't it? We ran into each other a week ago and have talked sporadically over the years. Twenty-four years. Crazy to think that much time has passed! Anyway, I know he's harmless, and having dinner should be fun. I wouldn't count on any sparks flying... but surely there will be laughter.
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