Tuesday, January 6, 2009

High as a Kite!

It's very possible that I'm high on paint fumes right now, but I can't deny that some damn good things are happening in my life right now. Thank God! I've always managed to stumble, and sometimes fall, through whatever life throws at me... but I have to admit that I was becoming rather doubtful that I would make it. The anxiety of bills hanging over my head and no job in sight was really beginning to drive me mad. I was actually very close to seeking medical attention because my heart was beginning to do the flip-floppy thing again and my chest pains were returning. However, I hate pharmaceuticals, and am a firm believer that a balanced life is a healthy one. I'm glad I haven't been forced to take that route.

I have had the most beautiful day. Spent a solid 8 hours on the remodel site. I finished the second coat of paint on the front bedroom walls, spackled cracks and nail holes, took some doors down, removed hardware and spruced it up with some dark bronze spray paint, and began painting the second bedroom. It feels so good to work.

Cutting my health insurance out of the budget has been my great debate as of late. It's $94 a month, which in my current world is a LOT of money. Cancelling it would take a slight weight off of my shoulders, but I fear if I do, I'll find myself in need of it. The potential need of it became apparent today, when I thought it would be fun to almost fall off of the ladder while no one else was on the job site and my cell phone was across the room on a window sill. I was on the top rung and would have landed on a wood floor. "Maybe I should hang on to my health insurance a little longer," I thought.

Fast forward two hours. Yet another almost-but-not-quite fall from the ladder. Done. I'm keeping my health insurance. I get the message! What does that have to do with having a great day? I didn't fall!

My co-worker Todd's mom stopped by. She's got a great eye for design, and I respect her opinion. She loves the tile and paint colors that I picked out. Thank you, Jesus! She's a tough one to please, so if she likes it, it has to be great.

Next visitor... the old tenant. The unit was previously rented by an African American twenty-something single mom who is genuine, kind, and respectable with a teenage son that actually has manners! She said she saw my car and just had to see what I was doing. "It's beautiful!" she said. "I wish it looked like this when I lived here!"

"You could move back in!" I said with a smile. "I know she'd love to have you back."

Her son needed a little more room to roam and she wanted to have a yard. Otherwise, I'm sure she'd come right back! We chit-chatted for a minute and I asked her if she needed any help with her new place. She's going to get in touch with me to remodel her bathroom and refer me to her aunt!

"I'll be fair with the costs. I'd like to do this for you, I think you're great." I said.

"I think you're great. And I know your work." She kindly declared.

Wow. What a moment for me. You know how some people just have this air of goodness about them? Well this woman is one of those people. I just adore her, despite hardly knowing her. Of course I'm happy to know that someone else likes my work and may potentially employ me, but what makes me even more thrilled, is the thought of doing something nice for her, and maybe even becoming friends. You can never have enough kind people in your life!

After I got home, the work really began! I had to take a shower, find something to cook for my one and only hot meal of the day, catch up on my bills, check emails, wash my work clothes and my very smelly work shoes. I realize it's disgusting to think that a woman could have smelly shoes, but I'm just "keepin' it real" here folks. I've had this pair of tennis shoes for years, and rarely wore them. In fact, they only became my work shoes because I got an upgraded pair for a gift. I don't know what it is about these shoes, but they stink! I've peered inside (with my nose plugged) to see if there was a decomposing critter body in them... and found nothing. I would have just let them fester, but I got a few whiffs while I was painting, and I didn't enjoy them. Out of respect for other's and an attempt to hold onto my femininity... I gave them a good washin' too.

When I sat down at my cluttered desk in the office after my shower, I had to sift through a disastrous pile of papers. I was out of town for the holidays, and confess to being a touch lazy as well. This created quite a backlog of business and junk mail on my desk. In fact, I had even lost sight of my bank account balance. While telephoning into the automated banking system, and checking off which checks had cleared, I almost shit my pants! For a brief moment, I thought my account was going to be overdrawn by $170! Holy almost-shit! Thankfully, I was wrong, and after paying my car insurance, I have a whopping $8 to last me seven days. Sigh.

My lunch/dinner tonight was "Cheesy Chicken Enchilada" Hamburger Helper, minus the milk. I'm out. Well, I have some in my refrigerator, but it's a tad chunky, and I'm just going to trust that it smells too. Why is it still there? You ask. I have no frickin' clue. I never think about my disgusting jug of expired milk until I'm sitting on the couch, bundled up in throw blankets to keep warm. I'd get up right now to dump it, but I'd rather gross you out and tell you all about my smelly shoes and chunky milk. Alright. I'm getting up right now, I swear!

SICK! Have you ever stuck your hand in a bowl of cottage cheese? That's what it felt like when I had to reach into the garbage disposal to retrieve the plastic ring that fell off the jug, AFTER most of the putrid chunks plopped down into it. I feel violated.


Once I finished my duties, I sat down with the computer and checked my emails. I received an email asking me attend a January 26th meeting for volunteering with the local Substance Abuse Council. Perfect! I had planned on finding a volunteering gig. Receiving the email allowed me to get that started without even getting off my ass!
When I got onto my blog, while still on my ass, I saw that I had a comment on my last post. A comment?! I LOVE comments! When I read it, I was enthralled with the eloquence of it. Something about it seemed warmly familiar, although being anonymous, I have no way of knowing if my "gut" knew who it was. Regardless, it was a sweet message, and a nice little present to add to my already lovely day. So thank you, to whomever wrote it, and thank you also, to my other readers. Your support is a great gift to me. There were times when this crazy blog was all I had to hold onto! Thank you, readers, for adding more wonderful to my wonderful day!

(The pictures are from the place I'm working on... the "befores." I seriously can't wait to get back there tomorrow and coax that old place back into beautiful again.)

p.s. My spellcheck function isn't functioning again, so please kindly excuse any spelling errors!

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