Monday, January 5, 2009

Good Deed #2- Free Life Coach

Although this good deed is going to cost me three good days of progress towards a "normal" sleep schedule, I feel pretty damned good about this one. I happened to see one of my sporadic online chat buddies on Messenger and thought I'd say hello. I didn't really feel like "talking," but I'm sure a lot of people haven't really felt like talking to me and they suffered through it!

Well midway through the conversation, "Travis" was checking out some of my photos from my recent trip. He complimented me on them, which I appreciated, but then I chose to turn the focus onto him. See, Travis is like myself, and a few other people I'm friends with. Travis is a truly creative soul that was talked out of, and discouraged from being who and what he was, in order to make other people happy in order to become a more "successful" something-or-another. This is a slow and painful "death" for creative folk. The fear of rejection, and lack of support, leads most of us to depression, and at the very least, a nagging inner confusion.

"I spent 28 years of my life doing what other people wanted me to, and the last 9 years cleaning up THAT disaster," I shared.

Though we have talked many times... Travis never opened up about his own rejection as a creative child. He had an "ah-ha" moment, and went into a beautiful babble-fest about the freedom he felt after talking about this. I promised to adopt him into my creative-yet-somewhat-lost soul family.

Now he's sleeping, and I'm up watching the end of the 6 a.m. news... but knowing that he's going to do SOMETHING that honors his creative inner soul will bring me a silent joy that will surely be rewarded with a good day's rest, and a little dose of my own inspiration.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Only 363 more to go, you're almost there.