Thursday, March 12, 2009

To Be Continued... Continued

Yesterday, before my interview, I was offered more hours and an extension to my current job assignment! The additional hours qualify me for sick, and vacation pay... and extend my guarantee of employment through September.

My interview went incredibly well. I was informed that they selected 50 potential candidate resumes for the current position holder to review. Out of those 50, she selected 5 to interview. "I'm looking not just for someone who is competent, but also someone who's personality works well with Nancy's." Apparently I met that criteria, as she checked the "hot candidate" box, and escorted me back to meet my potential new boss.

I got a call back for a "formal" interview today!

Tomorrow, at 4:30, after working at my current job, I'll be interviewing for the position. Even though I don't have the necessary details, like a solid offer on the table, I'm already feeling torn. My hopes are that if they do in fact make an offer of employment, that I at least have the weekend to weigh my options. I sense they are very eager to fill this position and I don't want to leave my current employer "hanging."

I had begun to give up hope that I'd EVER find a job... any job... and now that I have, I may face another offer. My current assignment is temporary... so the other position would be a better choice for longevity, but the economy, well, you know how that is... so there is no true certainty when it comes to employment. If they offer me a comparable wage to what my current employer is paying, this decision isn't going to be an easy one. And now, yet again, I have to decide what to wear...


Marypoppins said...

The work day passes no matter where you are or what you are doing. May the process bring you the most favorable result.

Mona Lake said...

Let's hope! Let's hope!