Sunday, August 10, 2008

Quirk. Quirky. Quirkier. Quirkiest.

I'm having a breezy, carefree day. I've got the windows open, and the wind is darting throughout the house, dancing with the curtains. And, perhaps stirring up the random thoughts I am having...

I'm pondering the realism of love. Is it truly realistic to find someone that can not only tolerate your quirks, but also love you in spite of them? I mean, I know some rather odd-looking, and odd-acting people, and they somehow managed to find love. So it has to be possible, right? But, even though I am considered "attractive," "witty," "intelligent" and "kind"... I still wonder if that is enough to make someone overlook my quirkiest quirks. Such as:

1. Like the nodding off kid on the couch, I often refuse to go to sleep... even when I am exhausted.

2. I like to eat. In the middle of the night. In bed.

3. Apparently, I grind my teeth. As if snoring weren't bad enough!

4. Although I lean more towards tidiness... I have spells of "scattered-aboutness."

5. I "cocoon" in my comforter, making cover sharing impossible.

6. Sometimes I say random things out loud. And laugh at myself.

7. I can go days without seeing or talking to anyone and think nothing of it.

8. A 20 pound Maine Coon cat spoons with me at night. I take my hair out of a ponytail for him to snuggle up to.

9. I can't stand it when someone leaves the water running while they brush their teeth!

10. I bite loose skin off my lip, sometimes until it hurts. Apply chapstick. And repeat.
And... as I write this, I see my cat playing with a grasshopper that wandered inside... which brings me to yet another one:
11. I don't like killing or hurting anything. I will shoo away the cat, grab a glass and a napkin and take it outside... before I witness any maiming or murder!


Anon said...

I still leave the water running in defiance of my Father.

How will I ever find love??

Mona Lake said...

Ha ha! I would have to do the taboo thing and try to change you in that case! I used to tell my first serious boyfriend that I wasn't going to have kids because they would have no clean water to drink! Don't be to hard on me... I was 19.

Anon said...

I *could* learn to shut off the water...

and I would make sure you wouln't have to change any more of those pesky light-bulbs. ;-)